Friday, February 25, 2011

The Flashy Ring Returns

So, you all saw the video of The Fashion Show and Ring Failure...

Well, if you didn't see it on my facebook page, the Flashy Ring the trash!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Centerpiece Inspiration Board

Simple main vase with a few rose

Four small music votives

Framed table numbers with music background

Individual name cards on mini music stands

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It Needs More Garlic

For Nathan...

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Cassablanca" Bridal Show

Brenda, Cassandra, Me, Mom

Girl day was a success!

Brenda-Mom came over yesterday afternoon. We tried some ice cream flavors. It was an interesting experiment: Lemon, Vanilla Sugar, Cocoa and Apple (which was really just cinnamon).

1. Lemon was HORRIBLE
2. Vanilla Sugar is a definite go
3. Cocoa is a also a go
4. Apple was mediocre and so we decided "no"

We also tried pudding as the powder for Lemon II. It actually helped the consistency, but the flavor was a bit bland. We'll have to try pudding for other flavors next time. We also are trying different flavor names that revolve around our music theme:

Vanilla Vibrato
Vanilla Virtuoso
Vanilla Violin
Chocolate Cadenza
Chocolate Cantata
Chocolate Counterpoint

We also looked at crazy wedding gowns in the magazines Brenda-Mom brought with her. There were some crazy ones in there! I also want to say that she brought me two paintings she made herself! I love them. They are very calming to me because I love the beach and ocean. I would never like to live there, but I still love to write about them; pirates and all. Love these paintings! Thank you, Brenda-Mom!

After we tried flavors, Cassandra arrived for all of us to go to the Bridal Show. It was a very nice set up. I liked that it was small and not so HUGE as the show we went to during the summer. I got a lot of business cards and some interesting ideas. However, when I was there I did have to readjust my idea of the overall budget. It has been adjusting each time I get new information. It is weighing heavily on me, but I know it has to be taken one step at a time. All will be well!

We also got to watch a fashion show. It was interesting. I did not see too many things I liked, but it was still interesting nonetheless. Cassandra took some video, but the stage lights were causing a harsh glare. However, this particular video is funny. The ring that I had to wear to distinguish me as the bride was blindingly bright in it's twinkling. It also broke to where I couldn't turn it off:

After the fashion show they handed out door prizes. It was rather unorganized and so Cassandra and I went outside to the lobby to check out a few more vendors. While speaking with one, I thought I heard my name being called. It was so butchered that I just shrugged it off. Then a few seconds later, I see Brenda-Mom running out calling my name. I turn and then she informs me that I won something. I went running back with her to claim my prize. I won a free slide show burned to a DVD! Pretty cool since Nathan and I can have up to 150 photos on it. It can be played during our reception. Awesome!

That was my day in summary. I will say though, that ring? I had to cut it open to turn it off. A good ending to a wonderful day!

A Prayer

I believe I got this prayer from the Dallas Bridal Show last summer. I kept it and was reading it this morning. I would like this to be read at our wedding ceremony, very much. I'm not so sure I would like the Old English words to be in there, but it is still really good. It's hard to read it and not cry. God is good. Praise God for sending me my fiance to be my future husband. I love him so very much:

"O God of Love, thou has established marriage for the welfare and happiness of mankind. Thine was the plan and only with Thee can we work it out with joy. Thou has said, "It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helpmate for him." Now our joys are doubled since the happiness of one is the happiness of the other. Our burdens now are halved when we share them; we divide the load.

"Bless this husband. bless him as a provider of nourishment and clothing. Sustain him in all the pressures of his labors for bread. May his strength be her protection, his character be her pride, and may he so live that she will find in him the haven for which the heart of woman truly longs.

"Bless this loving wife. Give her tenderness that will make her great, a deep sense of understanding and a great faith in Thee. Give her inner beauty of soul that never fades, that eternal youth that is found in holding fast the things that never age.

"Teach them that marriage is not living merely for each other; it is two joining hands to serve Thee. Give them a spiritual purpose in life. May they seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and the other things shall be added unto them.

"May they not expect of each other the perfection that belongs alone to Thee. May they minimize each others weaknesses, be swift to praise and magnify each other's strengths, and see each other through a lover's kind, patient eyes.

"Now make such assignments to them in Thy will as will develop their characters as they walk together. Give them enough tears to keep them tender, enough hurts to keep them humane, enough failure to keep their hands clenched tightly in Thine, and enough success to encourage them in their walk with Thee.

"May they never take each other's love for granted, but always experience that breathless wonder that exclaims, "Out of all this world you have chosen me."

"When life is done, may they be found then as now, hand in hand, still thanking God for each other. May they serve Thee happily, faithfully, together, until at last one shall lay the other into the arms of God.

"This we ask through Jesus Christ, great lover of our souls. Amen."

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Good Morning to Wedidng Thoughts

Both of my private violin students could not make it to their lessons today. Since I had the time, I decided to actually put an official time line together. The previously posted time line was just a draft. I have now put together an official one. Of course as time goes on, more of Nathan's items will be added as we don't quite know when things will be happening for him with the remainder of his schooling.

It was sort of nice to sit down and have direction again. With so many life changes happening for me, I've been a bit off balance. I always hate that feeling. I feel a bit calmer now that I have a teaching resume put together and I have some doors opening to me in my career.

Tomorrow, my mom, Brenda-Mom, Cassandra and I will be going to a bridal show at one of the reception sites Nathan and I visited. We have pretty much decided against this location, but since it is close to my house and the event was free, I signed us up to go anyway. It will be good just to see what the place looks like all set up AND to get some wedding ideas. I am also excited about watching a wedding gown model show. That should be interesting. We will also be taking time to try ice cream flavors! That should be a whole lot of fun. Don't worry, pictures will soon follow later this week.

This whole wedding thing is quite overwhelming to me and I just couldn't figure out exactly WHY I was getting anxiety when I explored wedding things at craft stores. I think I know why now. My heart so wants to get married, preferably as soon as possible, but then the brain and my knack for wisdom says that we're not financially stable yet. I have just graduated and Nathan is still in school. These weigh heavily on me, but they are vital to making a life together.

I have also discovered another reason. I don't like all of the attention! Feel free to laugh at me! You would think that because I am a studied musician and a teacher no less, that I would be over the whole stage fright thing. I think it also has to do with not accustomed to being doted on. My family never had a lot of money to spend on each other, so I grew up being satisfied with what I had. Now, all of a sudden say the word "wedding" and a lot of family hones in to offer things. I really don't know how to handle that, but I'm trying to learn.

I can just picture it now...coming down the isle I truly will be a "blushing bride." ... I hope Nathan will be at the end holding an icepack for me to put on my head; just in case! Just kidding! If he really does that, I might whack him on the head with my wedding there's an amusing image!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Timeline: from Mind to Paper

Disclaimer: I know I have left out some items, but this gives a bit of an overview of the major things that need to be done. Things will be added, taken out and adjusted the more we get into planning the wedding.

May 2011 - July 2011
  • Browse ceremony and reception areas
  • Interview and secure an official teaching job
August 2011:
  • Start my job
  • Decide on ceremony and reception areas to set down payment for them
September 2011:
  • Find an officiant
  • Start finding a dress
  • Browse for photographer
  • Browse catering options
October 2011:
  • Book an officiant
  • Book a photographer (hopefully)
  • Browse florists
November 2011:
  • Book a photographer deadline
  • Book a florist (hopefully)
  • Browse musicians and book them (should be done in this month because we know pretty much who we would like and they're friends)
  • Browse DJ's
  • Book caterer deadline
December 2011:
  • Book a florist deadline
  • Book musicians (if we don't in November)
  • Book DJ (hopefully)
  • Start officially planning Texas Tour Honeymoon
January 2012:
  • Book DJ deadline
  • Start to book honeymoon hotels
February 2012: (not much here due to TMEA)
  • Address invitations but don't send yet.
March 2012: (not much here due to UIL)
  • Mail invitations (six months marker)
April 2012: (not much here due to UIL)
  • Organize seating for reception
May 2012:
  • Deadline for wedding gown
  • Deadline for bridesmaids gowns
  • Nathan Graduates! Yay!
June 2012:
  • All things decorative for reception
  • Buy Nathan's wedding ring (super excited about this one!)
  • Nathan starts to move his things to my apartment getting ready for after we're married :D
July 2012:
  • Bridal Shower
  • Put together reception centerpieces/decorations (planing a get together of women to help put things together)
  • Groom and groomsmen tuxes
August 2012:
  • Get married!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Browsing Ideas

  1. I saw this groom's cake and I just about fell out of my chair because I thought about Nathan:
Now if only I could find a wedding dress that is concert like only, you know...white...hah!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Music Themed Ideas!

My dear Maid of Honor sent this web page to me and I just about fell out of my chair with excitement. I decided to post it here because these ideas were just wonderful! I'm totally stealing some of these and I hope that they all help to make our wedding/reception really awesome!

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