Sunday, March 18, 2012

4 Years Together - Wedding Excitement Renewed!

Today Nathan and I celebrate 4 years together. It's a little funny to think about it sometimes. The number 4 seems to be so small and yet it does feel like I have been with him for longer. I think in these 4 years we have learned a lot about each other. In fact this recent year has taught us a lot. It also feels like we became closer this last year of our relationship. Things seem a bit smoother and calmer. We have both grown up a lot since we started dating and I believe that we'll still be learning until the end.

I've spent a lot of time this week really thinking about the past 4 years. It's really funny to think how emotionally unstable I was when we first started dating. The main thing that has repeated itself in my head was how careful he's always been about advising me. Even when we were not a couple he would always take his time to tell me his thoughts and he chose his words very carefully. In retrospect, I so appreciated that type of handling with me. No guy had ever really slowed down enough to really figure out how to converse with me. It created trust with Nathan long before we started to date. Now days, he's a bit more blunt with me, but only because my emotional stability leveled and I became even stronger than before. i like that he's blunt with me (even when I'm angry with him). It saves us time and effort!!

Since we moved our wedding date, I think we both have been rather excited. I think we both got so busy with school and my teaching that the wedding just fell second place (as it should). It's nice to know for sure when the wedding will be. It makes me really excited about June. As soon as school is complete with both of us this school year, we'll be heading down to the chapel and the reception hall to put down our money and reserve a date. I'm so excited!

Brenda-Mom was here yesterday helping me with my semi-new washer. On the return journey, she said, "So I'm assuming this summer I'll be taking a couple days off to look for a dress?" I had actually not thought about that in a while. My answer was yes, since that will be about 8 months before the wedding. Might be a bit early to shop for a dress, but might as well do it when I have the time!! Plus, as we know, I am NOT a shopper - even if it's for a wedding gown. I'm not really sure if I'm ready for the "gushing" of the workers. Just give me the facts and don't over "Awww, you look so pretty!" kind of thing. I'm actually trying not to cringe as I typed that...I am looking forward to looking for a dress, but I'm more excited about reserving the church and reception location. I'm more excited about being in God's house before Him sealing my future with Nathan. It makes me have butterflies!!

God is so good. I'm lying here in the living room, looking around at all of my blessings. I look back at my goal sheet and it's a little overwhelming to believe that I have achieved so much in such a short time! I'm also very happy and thankful that Nathan was a huge part of my success. I don't think I could have made it if the Lord didn't send me someone to help ground me. Nathan stabilizes me when either I or other people rock my usually steady boat. I think that's why I've nicknamed him "My Captain."

Happy 4 Year Anniversary, My Captain! I love you so much and cannot wait for our new Wedding date to come around! I pray the Lord's blessings over you!

Wedding Countdown:
11 Months
18 Days
22 Hours
56 Minutes

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