Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Wedding Date

Hello everyone!

It certainly has been quite a while since I have updated anything about the wedding. I will say that my reasons have been rather important. Nathan has just completed his hardest semester in college and I have taken on my first year of teaching.

Things about the wedding have just been put on hold due to life. Since things have somewhat settled down a bit, I am here to let you know that Nathan and I have decided to push our wedding date back a little. Our new date (which we are firmly not going to change or at least, try our darnest not to) is Saturday, March 9, 2013. It's another year, but the reasons are much more important for foundation building.

I want Nathan to graduate and I want to re-balance myself as my life has been completely turned upside-down since I started teaching. I have also moved into my own apartment and the transition has not been easy for me. After praying about the wedding for many months, I finally came to the conclusion that it would be wiser for us to wait. Nathan and I discussed it thoroughly and settled on a new date. I'm excited about this change of date because it is closer to the actual date we became a couple. Also, it is during Spring Break after Nathan has graduated.

The new and better plan is to start the wedding plans this Summer after my first year of teaching. I just couldn't plan for a wedding now as I literally am being overwhelmed with all things teaching. I also wanted Nathan to focus on his school. So! Mark your calendars again! Saturday, March 9, 2013!


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