Sunday, July 10, 2011

Operation, Go! .... Any Second Now!

It's been really hard to keep the "cap" on the wedding excitement now that Nathan and I now have jobs. I'm getting more and more anxious about getting the "show on the road." I've been feeling that my old life has been getting smaller and the need for expansion is starting to really peck at me. I actually have to pray that the Lord just keep that cap on my emotions/excitement just for a few more months. Hopefully, me starting work will help that subside for a while. More than likely it will, but I'm also afraid that bringing in more money that I have ever imagined I would will create the drive to push as fast as I can to get to the wedding. Really, I am laughing at myself because for a person who has been "steady" as long as I can remember, I am certainly not feeling so steady now! Frightening, in a good way I guess. Right now, the only wedding things I can focus on is a project for my bridesmaids. I've already requested Cassandra for my first "official" cry for help in regards to one portion of this project. I am very excited, but even with this, I can't move too much because of lack of funds. However, I must say, it was really a great feeling to read how excited she sounded to be asked to help out with something. It made me really happy!

All is well and I am doing my very best to stay strong and steady. I have faith in myself, but I think the anxiousness will remain until I start teaching. August 8th get here faster!!!

Praise God :)

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