Sunday, May 15, 2011

1 Year Engagement!

It was reminded of me that Nathan and I have been engaged for a year today. I thought about that last month, but since I have been stressing over teaching in a rough school, I almost forgot!

Nathan and I only have 14 months until our "scheduled" wedding date. The date is still not set and I don't think it will be until this coming August. I also haven't updated the blog in a while because we basically have everything planned out, we just have to start putting money into it. It's actually pretty nice to know what we want for our simply elegant wedding. It relieves a lot of worrying.

Anyway, sorry I haven't updated in so long! As soon as we start putting money down and getting this organized, I'll update again. I hope everyone is doing well!!!

Happy 1 Year Engagement!

Nathan and Amara © 2008. Design By: SkinCorner