Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wedding Plans are a Go

It's been a while since I've updated this blog. Since my last post, I have graduated from College. That's what was taking up all of my time! Now that I find my schedule drastically slower and less congested, Nathan and I have started to put wedding plans together. Nothing, too drastic, but at least we have begun the process for sure this time.

I am happy to report that we now have a semi-real-official wedding date: Saturday, August 4th, 2012. There was a brief time when we discussed a mid-May wedding, but I think that August will be a good time for budget purposes and also Texas weather. I also decided that Nathan would need breathing room after his graduation that year in May. We know it is a year and a half away, but we want to create a budget so that we can see where we are going from now until then. It is a wise plan!

We have also bought wedding invitations. The invitations are pretty close to our colors and they are self-print. They were all 50% off so we had to jump on the opportunity. We got lucky!

We have also decided on at least one official caterer for the rehearsal dinner. I think my future in-laws will be happy about the choice. That makes me happy! As for a reception caterer, so far it is Spaghetti Warehouse. They have a nice service option that is deliver, set up, serving and clean up! Amazing! Since we only have about 100 people, I think the price will be within our range. As of now, it is our #1 choice, but we're still looking.

The last thing that we decided on was Nathan's tux and the groomsmen tux. I think that it will be exactly what we want. Nathan did an excellent job choosing the outfit. I like that he also looked very excited and happy with the choice. They have turned out quiet nicely with simple eloquence.

As of today, I have called two places for a wedding/reception. So far, only one of those choices has contacted me. We'll be going to check it out very soon. However, I will not post anything on it officially until we have narrowed down our choices. That might be a while from now. I will also not post where these choices are. I do that for the sake of privacy on the internet. All guests will know when they get an invitation.

Okay, I think that is all that I have to update so far! I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year tomorrow! I am looking forward to 2011 because that means we're closer to the wedding in 2012! Blessings to all!

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