Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wedding Plans are a Go

It's been a while since I've updated this blog. Since my last post, I have graduated from College. That's what was taking up all of my time! Now that I find my schedule drastically slower and less congested, Nathan and I have started to put wedding plans together. Nothing, too drastic, but at least we have begun the process for sure this time.

I am happy to report that we now have a semi-real-official wedding date: Saturday, August 4th, 2012. There was a brief time when we discussed a mid-May wedding, but I think that August will be a good time for budget purposes and also Texas weather. I also decided that Nathan would need breathing room after his graduation that year in May. We know it is a year and a half away, but we want to create a budget so that we can see where we are going from now until then. It is a wise plan!

We have also bought wedding invitations. The invitations are pretty close to our colors and they are self-print. They were all 50% off so we had to jump on the opportunity. We got lucky!

We have also decided on at least one official caterer for the rehearsal dinner. I think my future in-laws will be happy about the choice. That makes me happy! As for a reception caterer, so far it is Spaghetti Warehouse. They have a nice service option that is deliver, set up, serving and clean up! Amazing! Since we only have about 100 people, I think the price will be within our range. As of now, it is our #1 choice, but we're still looking.

The last thing that we decided on was Nathan's tux and the groomsmen tux. I think that it will be exactly what we want. Nathan did an excellent job choosing the outfit. I like that he also looked very excited and happy with the choice. They have turned out quiet nicely with simple eloquence.

As of today, I have called two places for a wedding/reception. So far, only one of those choices has contacted me. We'll be going to check it out very soon. However, I will not post anything on it officially until we have narrowed down our choices. That might be a while from now. I will also not post where these choices are. I do that for the sake of privacy on the internet. All guests will know when they get an invitation.

Okay, I think that is all that I have to update so far! I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year tomorrow! I am looking forward to 2011 because that means we're closer to the wedding in 2012! Blessings to all!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Gel-Decor for Reception Tables

1. Place tiny packet of hard beads in warm water
2. Wait appx. 5 hours
3. Drain water and replace now expanded gel beads
4. Add flowers and they will stay fresh!
5. Dump expanded gel beads on paper towel and let dry
6. Replace shrunken gel beads back in packet
7. Reuse!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


About once a week now, I have been looking for a wedding dress and I must say that I think I have gone cross-eyed just trying to sort through the millions of wedding dress out on the market. It's absolutely insane! If it's A-line then there are no sleeves and if there are sleeves then it's ugly. I will not give details, but I have a couple of ideas but truth be told, I just want a simple wedding dress that doesn't break the bank and it would help that it looks elegant.

I do have an accepted idea what dresses I would like my bridesmaids to wear. No it's not frilly or in highlighter colors. It's a nice flowy dress that they could wear over and over after my wedding.

I do say all of these things, but I don't close all of the doors. I am willing to try on many wedding gowns and I hope my bridesmaids are willing to try on different gowns, too. I just want simple, budgeted and user friendly. Here's hoping that the fashions for bride gowns change within a year. It would be nice for we traditional gals.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Our Engagement: May 15, 2010

Nathan and I knew we want to get married because I had been wearing his promise ring for about a year. Honestly, I did not expect a proposal until I graduated this December. Little did I know that I was about to get the biggest surprise of my life.

I must go back in time for everyone to get the full effect. Nathan had asked my dad if he could help him learn how to change the oil in his car. My dad, being the awesome man that he is, was very happy to show him. That day, I was inside the house cooking. I suddenly noticed that both of my parents and Nathan were heading out into the garage. That's weird, I thought, but I just let it go since I was cooking. After about ten to fifteen minutes later, my mom comes back inside.

"What was that about?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Oh," she said and waved her hand, "they just needed...something." I shrugged my shoulders because I'm the kind of woman that learns from the past, lives in the present and strives for the future.

Later, Nathan tells me that he as arranged for both sets of our parents to have a dinner together at the end of the semester. Since we had been dating two years already, I just figured it was a "get-to-know-each-other" dinner.

The day comes after much stress with the ending of my semester. Nathan cooked his wonderful herb chicken and his new lemon rice. Mrs. Jackson brought chocolate stuffed chocolate cupcakes for dessert. Yum! I was happy to see both of my parents and my future in-laws at the dinner table laughing and enjoying themselves. Things were going wonderfully!

When everyone was finished eating, Nathan and I did the dishes together. It was then he started acting a little funny. Normally, he stands back to let me do my thing, but that night he was a little "clingy"; very unusual for him. When I was finished he gave me a huge hug.

"You're the best assistant. There's no one I'd rather cook with, which is why," he paused, got on one knee and presented me the

My vision literally tunneled. It took me a good few seconds to realize he was even holding a ring. I felt like I couldn't breathe I was so wonderfully surprised! I had to ask him "are you serious?" five times before I realized he was very serious. I found out from Nathan that it was very hard for him not to laugh at this point because my reaction was priceless. Of course I said "yes." Poor guy, before he could even get the ring on my finger, I attacked him with a huge hug! Nathan has told me that he did not know I could bear-hug anyone so hard. I have to say that I broke out into peals of joyous laughter; pure joy!

When we came around the corner to tell our parents the good news, my face was burning red hot. It was not out of embarrassment, but from feeling like I would pass out. Yes, I was that happy! My whole body was shaking. As I sat down to try to get a hold of myself, I noticed that Nathan disappeared. I really didn't think much about it, until I suddenly looked up to see my best friend, Cassandra come around the corner! I couldn't believe my eyes. As we embraced, I almost started crying! Nathan had planned for everyone we cared about to be there. Even his best friend (Cassandra's boyfriend) Ryan was there. I was so happy to see him, too! Everything was just perfect.
My ring is beautiful! It is an heirloom ring passed down from Nathan's mother's side of the family. Mrs. Jackson wore it for 25 years and her mother wore it for more than 50 years. I am absolutely enthralled and honored to be wearing this ring. I intend to carry the tradition when the time comes. For now, I get to admire it. I can't wait to get the wedding band fused together.

After more laughter and pictures, Nathan and I finally had a moment to ourselves. All he could do was just say "fiancee" over and over. He only did it though because of my apparently "cute" reaction. He ended up not staying, too long after that because we were both extremely tired. He still had to drive home. So after saying a happy goodbye, I finally had some time to myself.

I don't think I could have been happier to kneel before my Heaven Father that night. You see, I had been quietly asking the Lord to let me and Nathan get married. He and I had a very unusual start to our relationship and I have to say that though it progressed rapidly, it was right for us to become a couple. We both felt that God put us together for a reason. So that night the only three words that I could say to my Father in heaven was, "thank you, Father!" I cried very hard during that prayer. It wasn't tears of sadness, but tears of pure, humble joy and thanks. The Lord has blessed me with this wonderful man. Through horrible circumstances he brought us together and blessed our relationship all the way to this point of being engaged. I am so thankful for that. I also know that because He will continue to grace us with His blessings even in marriage. He has never failed me and He never will in the future. Praise God on the most highest! He is worthy of our praise!

As time goes by and more wedding plans are set, I will be posting blogs of the experience. I will just say now that Nathan and I will be engaged for at least 2 years because we want to graduate from college first. Honestly, it isn't so bad. I think that this will let us save up money and put into place those foundations necessary in marriage. It also gives us plenty of time to plan things. If anyone has ideas or advice, please feel free to comment. I made this blog so that our families can be better connected and learn more information as time goes on. Please enjoy!

God bless!

Nathan and Amara © 2008. Design By: SkinCorner